Are Veneers Safe Long Term?

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Close up image of dental veneers before and after procedure

Is it safe to get veneers?

More and more people in London are looking towards cosmetic dentistry to improve the appearance of their teeth and smile. Porcelain and composite veneers are certainly at the top of the list of smile conscious men and women in London. At Whites Dental, our cosmetic dentists can help you create your prefect smile. We offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments in London Waterloo and London Bridge – such as porcelain and composite veneers, cosmetic bonding, tooth whitening and smile alignment.

What kinds of habits can shorten the life of your veneers? As a matter of fact, the same ones that can damage your natural teeth. Veneers can chip and crack like natural teeth, so biting down on hard foods – such as ice and hard foods – as well as inedible items can result in a damaged surface.

Making Them Last

There’s not much you can do about the natural lifespan of veneers because they aren’t meant to be a permanent, maintenance-free fix. Nonetheless, you can get the most out of your veneers by making sure you treat them well. After all, veneers can be a significant investment in your dental health, so making sure they last give you your money’s worth. We have listed below a few ways to care for your veneers.

  1. Follow good oral hygiene practices. Cleaning your mouth is a must in order to avoid stains and keep your natural teeth healthy too. Brush at least twice a day, don’t forget to floss and make sure you see your dentist for semi-annual check-ups and cleanings.
  2. Wear oral protection. Playing a contact sport? Make sure you have a mouth guard. Impacts to the face can easily result in cracked or chipped veneers, so it’s worth taking the time to protect them before a big game.
  3. Don’t use teeth as tools. Everyone’s guilty of using teeth in lieu of scissors or to loosen a knot, but it’s one of the most dangerous habits when it comes to the integrity of your teeth. Not only does it invite germs, but it’s a sure-fire way to chip a veneer, ending its lifespan early.
  4. Address teeth-grinding. Do you clench or grind your teeth at night when you sleep? It’s called bruxism, and if you’re getting veneers, you should talk to your dentist about it. Allowing it to go unchecked may not result in cracked veneers, but they typically don’t last as long, and the fix could be as simple as a night-time mouth guard.

Veneers could be the best method for the smile you’re after, but they still need proper care. Using them as an excuse to skip out on basic oral hygiene could mean expensive repairs or surfaces that show wear long before their time. How long do veneers last? If you treat them with care, they can last up to a decade.

There are various reasons as to why veneers break off and fall off or get damaged. Here are some of them:

are veneers safe long term cosmetic dentist in london | Whites Dental
  • Age of veneers – The primary reason is age of the veneers. Porcelain veneers should last at least for ten years. But conservatively speaking, veneers last for more than 10 years in most cases. As the time passes, the veneers get slowly detached from the teeth as the adhesive bonding gets weakened over a period of time, making the veneers come loose and fall off.
  • Poor adhesive – The second most common reason is the bonding agent used for veneers to stick on teeth was not of prime quality in the first place. Either enough time was given for adhesive bonding to take place or the technique was not proper. In either, it is a problem of the dentist not of veneers.
  • Teeth grinding – One more common reason is the patients’ habit of grinding teeth during sleep, or bruxism, for either physical or psychological reasons. If bruxism occurs regularly, the force on veneers is great. Veneers cannot hold up to the pressure on the inside edge and may chip or break or get damaged.


  • One of the benefits of dental veneers is it helps improve the level of confidence that comes from the perfect smile on your face.
  • Veneer’s are moulded for your teeth that make them almost impossible to difference between the veneer and your tooth.
  • The veneer is bonded onto your tooth which means you do not require additional shaping or drilling in most cases.
  • You only need to brush and floss daily like your natural teeth and no special maintenance is required.
  • They can give you brighter and whiter teeth and you may choose any shade you want.


  • Even though they look realistic, porcelain veneer’s are artificial teeth, which may be a problem for those desiring a more natural solution to their dental problem.
  • Veneers, especially porcelain veneers, are quite expensive.
  • Veneer’s are considered a long-term solution to imperfect teeth, once you’ve had them fitted, it’s an irreversible procedure. It can take a few weeks to get used to the new feel of having dental veneers.
  • You may not be candidate:If you have unhealthy teeth (for example you have decay or active periodontal disease), weakened teeth (as a result of decay, fracture, large dental fillings), have an insufficient amount of existing enamel on the tooth surface, or suffer from bruxism (teeth clenching).
  • Veneers usually can’t be fixed if they crack or chip. People who grind their teeth, bite their nails, chew ice may not be good candidates for porcelain veneers
  • Veneer’s may not exactly match the colour of your other teeth. If you are looking to whitening your teeth, you should do so beforehand.

So, you need to think through your options carefully and make sure that you choose the right solution for your needs. If you have any questions, concerns or queries, please feel free to book in for a free consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists here at Whites Dental.

Hero image of a client who has undergone cosmetic dental procedures.

What are the alternatives to veneers?

Alternative options to veneer’s are:

  • Composite bonding– is a fast, non-invasive procedure which can usually be completed in a single appointment. A composite resin is adhered to the tooth to restore its natural shape and colour.
  • Crowns– a crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over your tooth. A crown will function and feel just like any of your other teeth. And if you choose to have a porcelain. crown, it will be virtually indistinguishable from your other teeth.
  • Orthodontics– fixed or removable braces can be used to straighten misaligned teeth and close gaps. Advances in orthodontics mean that braces can now be virtually invisible.

It’s important to consider all of the options available to you. Your dentist will be able to explain the different processes and advise you about which treatment best suits your individual needs.

More information on veneer’s is available on our cosmetic dentistry homepage–

At Whites Dental, some of London’s most experienced aesthetic dentists work with us, providing tooth bonding, porcelain veneers and composite veneers and teeth alignment procedures to our patients in Central London, London Waterloo, Southwark, Elephant and Castle and London Bridge. This site provides you more information on whether veneers are safe long term. Our practice is based in London Waterloo, very close to London Waterloo rail station and across from Southwark tube. We are a 5 to 9 minutes’ walk from Elephant and Castle tube station, London Bridge, Borough and a 7 to 10 minutes’ walk from Blackfriars station and Southbank.

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