Can a normal dentist do composite bonding?

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Composite bonding before and after image showing results of a clients composite bonding treatment.

There are many ways to improve the appearance and strength of your teeth, and normal dentist do composite bonding  general dentists are qualified to handle many of them. Veneers, crowns, and fillings can all provide a fix for dental problems. Of the various treatments, dental bonding has certain features that exclusively qualifies it as a solution for many cosmetic issues.

What are the benefits of dental bonding?

The bonding procedure uses a resin that is strong enough to withstand most foods a person might want to enjoy. The tooth is etched prior to application, so the bond is very reliable, and it is cured using an ultraviolet light, so it is unlikely that the resin will flake or chip off.

Bonding is very popular as it is a versatile fix that can produce good results for a variety of problems and can be used for different purposes in the same mouth. The process is a relatively inexpensive solution if you compare it to crowns and veneers. One of the best features is that the resin can be mixed to match most tooth colours, making it nearly undetectable.

Why might person need a tooth bonding procedure?

Many dental issues can hypothetically be helped by using tooth bonding. General dentist near me are generally able to help take care of these problems, and a tooth can typically be “fixed” in just one visit.

  • Discoloration or staining

Patients who smoke, drink coffee or red wine may suffer from discoloured teeth, as may those who take certain antibiotics or other medications. If these teeth cannot be whitened by other means i.e whitening gels, resin can be placed over the surface of these teeth to give a whiter appearance.

  • Teeth that are too small

Sometimes patients have a tooth or two that seems too small in comparison to the rest of their teeth. These may seem to be baby teeth when compared with permanent teeth that have come in. Resin can be used around the edges to increase the apparent size of the tooth.

  • Chips or uneven teeth

At times, the edges of a tooth can be broken off or chipped badly enough to be noticeable when someone smiles. Likewise, teeth may wear unevenly, contributing to an irregular appearance to the toothline. Again, resin can be used to fill in chips and add to teeth so that they can appear straight and even.

  • Gaps between teeth

When a person has a gap between his or her teeth, it can cause a number of problems, including a whistle or self-consciousness. Fortunately, the gap can be closed completely or partially, depending on the size of it, using composite bonding.

  • Lengthening shorter teeth

Teeth usually get worn down over the years, they can become shortened. Resin can be used to either the chewing edge or the face and smoothed into the existing tooth to restore proper length.


Full face images showing smile transformation with composite bonding.

Tooth bonding is definitely a good option to consider when it comes to minor dental problems. General dentists are able to complete this process in one visit and it may help restore a healthy-looking smile and your self-confidence!

Please visit our cosmetic dentistry homepage for more information on composite bonding costs.

If you are interested in improving your smile with composite bonding, please don’t hesitate to contact Whites Dental today by calling 0208 616 0590. We offer free consultations for composite bonding and other cosmetic dentistry treatments.

I am Dr Jeen. I am a qualified dentist and have written this article for Whites Dental.

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